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We've got a bunch of stuff that needs to go, I figured I offer it up to the Moso and HELP families first and if no takers it will be donated.

It's all free, you just need to pick it up  The dresser and sofa are big and HEAVY.

The recliner just has the back pulled off for storage, the sofa and recliner are motion pieces.  


We've got a few of the IKEA cube things, in different colors and sizes.  

No comments on the messy house, all we did this weekend was pack and sort.

I have no idea where mom and dad found the little laquered box from Russia, it's got some paperwork in it.  


Email Kurt


CONTACT the Help-PDX Family

We'll be in touch ASAP!

12029 NE Ainsworth Cir

Portland, OR 97220

Tel: 503-255-1056

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